About Me
I started out as a hairdresser, got married and had two children. For years I searched for ways to provide extra income for my family, but due to medical issues and wanting to spend time with my children, it was very hard for me to work outside of the home.
I tried many work from home jobs, learning how to paint signs, make jewelry, and sew pillows. I even tried a small plant nursery because I love gardening, but I never sold enough to pay the bills.
Then my sister told me about rhinestone t-shirts. I helped her make some and was immediately hooked. I decided to start a t-shirt business, so I purchased a heatpress, a vinyl cutter and all the rhinestone supplies. I made my first rhinestone template--a simple paw print--but it looked terrible. After watching a lot of Youtube videos, I began creating designs that didn't suck. I was finally making a decent income from home doing something that I love!
I kept busy for 2 years making rhinestone and vinyl t-shirts, but I found myself enjoying the designing part of the business more. I knew I could better apply my skills to make designs for others instead.
So I opened up a shop on Etsy, and have had a lot of success selling my cut files there. This lead me to starting my own website, so that I could offer more to my customers like freebies, instructional videos and blog posts.
My goal is to be a source for busy t-shirt and decal makers to come to for designs that are easy to customize, cut, weed, press, or apply.